Release Notes: 2019.24 | 12-Jun-2019

Formatting is easier than ever with our new formatting hot keys in the Document Editor.

Lisa Treanor avatar
Written by Lisa Treanor
Updated over a week ago

 1. Sifters added to LegalSifter and ContractSifter:

  • Hotel: Final Number of Catering Guests

  • Hotel: What Resold Rooms Count Toward

 2. 14 Sifters were improved via Sifter Trainer and Sifter Factory

 3. Editor Enhancements:

  • Formatting Hot Keys now available: Ctrl-B (bold), Ctrl-I (italics), Ctrl-U (underline)

  • Sifter Summary now has select and dismiss all options for Missing and Found.

  • When you are scrolling in Sifter Summary, the collapse option and label of the Found or Missing “stick” to the top of the section.

Do you have a great idea for a new feature? Email us at

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