Release Notes: 2017.10 | 06-Sep-2017

Utilize a brand new left sidebar to better edit your documents.

Lisa Treanor avatar
Written by Lisa Treanor
Updated over a week ago

 1. Term sifter enhanced:

  • The Term Sifter was enhanced to increase Recall, as it was missing some Term cases.

 2. New left-hand bar on Sifted Doc page:

  • As the next step in the sifted doc workflow page, we have rolled out a new left bar. You no longer have to click the name then the snippet to navigate to the Sifter.

  • Next step to be implemented is for the sidebar to have the ability to expand and collapse and dismiss comments.

 3. Improvements:

  • Long document names were overflowing on the Documents page flash messages. This has been resolved.

 4. Help Site links back to

 5. Security enhancements:

  • We are now supporting TLS 1.2 as a minimum version. AWS default policies support down to 1.0. We made this change based on security best practices from a customer.

  • Locked down the DatomicTxor SG so that it cannot be accessed by public IP address (only by our app).

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