Release Notes: 2017.18 | 06-Nov-2017

Access your recently sifted documents via the new Home shortcut.

Lisa Treanor avatar
Written by Lisa Treanor
Updated over a week ago

 1. Home Page displays a Recently Sifted Documents panel:

  • Only documents with Status Sifted will show in the list. Documents that are failed or are in the Sifting process are not displayed.

  • Documents in user’s Trash folder are no longer displayed in this list

 2. When a user hovers on the folder name the full name displays as a tool tip.

  • This is helpful when there are long folder names.

 3. When a user only selects one document and then exports through bulk action menu, we do not zip the file.

 4. Improvements:

  • When you dismiss comments, the comments that are remaining were not moving next to the actual language. This has been fixed.

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