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Sifter Trainer

Submit errors you notice in LegalSifter Review for improvement.

Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over a week ago

The Sifter Trainer allows users to report problems with specific Sifters. LegalSifter Review uses this crowd sourced feedback to retrain and continuously improve our Sifters. The Sifter Trainer form now lives fully within the application.

If you believe that a Sifter has missed a concept or inaccurately flagged a concept, please submit your feedback via our Sifter Trainer through the following steps:

Submitting a New Sifter Trainer

Sifter Trainer can be opened from two locations within the Sifted Document Viewer.

The header "Train Sifter" button:

The "Train Sifter" button can be found in the toolbar at the top of the viewer.

The "Train Sifter" button can be found in the toolbar at the top of the viewer.

The Sifter Summary drop down selection:

The "Train Sifter" option can also be found by clicking the three left dots on the right side of the Sifter within the Sifter Summary.

The "Train Sifter" option can also be found by clicking the three left dots on the right side of the Sifter within the Sifter summary.

Train Sifter form:

Please note: The form will automatically populate the Sifter and Problem values when opened from the Sifter Summary and will also automatically populate the sentence for Found Sifter results.


Choose the Sifter from the drop down menu.


Choose the problem. If the sentence was not found by the sifter, please select "should have flagged." If the sentence was found by the Sifter, please select "should not have flagged."


This is the sentence/sentences/paragraph from the document that was not properly flagged by the Sifter.

Copy and paste the sentence from the document that "should have flagged." This can be done by clicking the purple text, "Click here to select and copy a sentence."

Please Note: Selecting "should not have flagged" will auto populate the sentence.

Once the text is copied, click "Done" at the top of the screen.

Optional Notes:

Before submitting, please include any details to assist our team in resolving the problem.

Once "Sifter," "Problem," and "Sentence" fields are filled out, add any optional notes, and then click "Submit."

Once submitted the user will see the following message in the bottom right hand corner of the screen:

There is no limit to how many Sifter Trainer forms are submitted.

Sifter Trainer Report

Users can export their personal Sifter Trainer Report by clicking their initials in the top right hand corner of the Sifted Document Page. Select "Sifter Trainer Report" from the drop down menu.

The Sifter Trainer Report will export as an Excel file to the user's desktop.

After Submission:

LegalSifter’s team of Lawyers and Data Scientists will review your form within one week.

If the Sifter made a mistake we will update that Sifter, and it will never make that mistake again!

Do you have an error you've discovered for Sifter Trainer? Please let us know so we can enhance your user experience.

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