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Metadata Administration
Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over a week ago

Metadata fields are used throughout LegalSifter Control to improve the organization and retrieval of user content. Metadata fields can be added to Playbook contract types and counterparties. All metadata fields are available for search and display.


Adding Fields

Add a new meta data field by using the +Add ad button at the top of the metadata list.


Field Types

There are four types of metadata fields.

  • Text: Text fields searchable and displayable but can not be used for filters. Text fields should be used for unstructured text like comments or notes.

  • Keyword: Keyword fields are searchable and displayable and are displayed as Aggregate filters with document counts. Keyword metadata fields should be use for structured content where you expect multiple contracts to have the same value like Location, Governing Law or Industry.

  • Number: Number fields are used when you want to support an exact or range search, like Account Value or number of employees.

  • Date: Date fields allow for exact or range searching on date values. All date are indexed as 12:00 GMT.


The metadata description field allow you to provide guidance around what the proper use of the field and will show up in information rollovers throughout the application.


Metadata fields can be organized into groups. Groups allow you to organize how the fields show up in the Search Filters.


When a metadata field is added it can be set to be used for Search, Counterparty and Playbook Default.

  • A fields set to be used for search will be displayed on the Search as a filter and will be available as a column.

  • A field set for counterparty will be available on the counterparty profile, and when used in assembly store on both the counterparty and the created document.

  • A field set for Playbook Default with be automatically added to all existing and newly created Playbooks.

Pick Lists

If you have set up a Keyword field then you may specify a pick list of values that will be available when a user choose to edit the field.

Metadata organization

Metadata fields will show up in same order they are given in the metadata table in search and on documents. Metadata fields can be dragged into desired postion on the field list.

If metadata fields are in a group, they the group postion will be determined by the first metadata field in the group.

Ungrouped fields will always show up on the top.

Editing Fields

Field values may be set in several ways.

  • Filing: A customized set of fields will be displayed base on the document type (See the Playbook Metadata Article)

  • Document Views: Field values may be edited from the document views.

  • Document Extraction: Extraction models can be set up to automatically extract content from your documents. (Talk to your LegalSifter Control System Administrator)

Acceptable Field values are controlled by the Field Type configuration.

  • Keyword: A text value. It will be treated as token. Supports type ahead suggestion agains all existing values. Allows for creating new values.

  • Keyword + Pick List: A text value. Supports type ahead suggestion agains all defined values. New values must be created by a system administrator.

  • Text: Any text value. Supports full text search

  • Date: A date value. User interface will show a date picker. All dates will be stored as 12:00 AM GMT. Supports range searching.

  • Number: A Integer value with out decimal places. Supports range searching.

System Fields

System fields are default fields used by the application and can not be removed. Display names may be changed and the fields can be configured to not be shown.

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