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Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over 11 months ago

Access to LegalSifter Control administrative functions is available to all users who have the Role "Admin"

Access to Administration is available through the menu under the use's name:


Administration offers access to the Account Profile, Account Users, Account Metadata, Integrations, and the configurations for Contract Assembly Order Tables and Custom Fields.


The account profile provide access to the contract information related to your account. You can update the Account contact information, see information about your subscription .



Provides access to a listing your users and allows you to change their status and and roles.


Standard Login

If your account is set up to use standard username and password login in you can add new user from the Users List. User's will be sent an invitation to the create an account and set their password.

Single Sign-On

If your company is configured to use Single Sign-0n, access to your LegalSifter Control instances is managed by your IT department. Accounts will be automatically created when the user first access your LegalSifter Control Instance url https://<yourdomain>

User Status

User Account status can be Active, Invited or Suspended. Invited account indicate that the user has been sent an invitation, but they have not logged in and set their password. Invitation are only valid for three days, but can be resent by accessing the action menu on the user list.

User Roles

User roles control what functionality is accessible to the user, is a set of permissions on the documents that the user has access.. The Company Administrator can create their own roles. Users can be assigned multiple roles.

User Groups

User groups control the access to specific documents. The default group is EVERYONE. The Company Administrator can create new groups.


Metadata fields are used throughout LegalSifter Control to improve the organization and retrieval of user content. Metadata fields can added to Playbook contract types and counterparties. All metadata fields are available for search and display. See the Metadata Admin article for more information.


Integrations allow your LegalSifter Control instance to work data from your other business systems. Currently there are three types of integrations. Signature, Single Sign On, Crawling. Contact your LegalSifter Control support for detailed documentation on setting up integrations. LegalSifter Control can support custom integrations, contact your LegalSifter Control representative if you need a custom integration.

Order Tables and Custom Fields

Order Tables and Custom Fields are system wide layout configurations that can be used in a document created by LegalSifter Control. These configurations allow for generation of custom table and field layout when assembling a document. If you need to create a custom table or field layout please contact LegalSifter Control support for detailed documentation.

Ticket Types

The Company Administrator can create their custom ticket types to accommodate internal business processes that intersect with Legal. The Administration Ticket Types panel will show a listing of all Custom Ticket Types currently configured. An Add button also exists to create and configure a new Ticket Type.

When clicked, the Add button will show a modal dialog window where the administrator can set the Ticket Type name and description. Once the Ticket Type name and description are established, clicking on the name in the table of Ticket Types will open the edit dialog for configuring the new Ticket Type. Add the sections with the questions.

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