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Contract Search

LegalSifter Control Contract Search is the default page when the user signs in. This is also the primary method to find all filed contracts.

Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over a week ago

LegalSifter Control Contract Search is the default page when the user signs in. This is also the primary method to find all filed contracts.

Clicking on a document will open the Document Quick View.

The Search page is displayed in two sections:

  • Left panel content: (collapsible filter lists).

    • Filters created as keyword types are displayed as dynamic lists.

    • Filters created as date types are displayed:

      • Fields for starting (From) and final (To) date.

      • Quick links:

        • Today

        • Last 7 days

        • Last 30 days

        • Last 90 days

    • Filters are created as numbers or text types displayed text fields.

    • Filters can be cleared individually or by clicking the button “Clear Filters“.

  • Right panel contents:

    • Search text box to search contracts and other documents (include insights documents).

    • The total number of documents that match with the filters/searches. By default, all documents are shown (include all available status).

    • List of contracts:

      • The "Document Name" column is sortable and is always visible. If the document has a relationship, the following icon is shown:

      • Users can select which columns they would like to see in the search results by clicking on “Choose columns”. All custom columns are sortable. The table column picker allows custom column order configuration by dragging and dropping.

      • The items in columns list can be activated or deactivated from the Administration section.

      • Action menu:

        • Download. The filename will be the current document title (this applies to the original and updated title). The system must not add other values (like dates, counterparty, etc).

        • Delete: This command deletes the document (soft delete). A confirmation message is shown.

        • Change Counterparty: This action moves the document to another (existing or new) Counterparty. A confirmation message is shown.

      • To open a document view for the result, select text anywhere within a row.

      • Pagination is available. 20 Results are returned per page. Navigation between pages is found at the bottom of the search results. You may navigate forward and backward in the pages, or go to a specific page directly.

      • The failed badge must not be displayed in this document list. Even after the user applies the filter for document status including “Failed“.

By default, the documents are shown by created date DESC.

Roles with permissions for search page:

  • All filters apply for Company Admin, Legal Management, Legal, and Insights roles.

  • Sales Management and Sales can display Saved Searches, Document Type, Effective Date, and Counterparty only.

The main search box provides a Boolean search across the contact text and contract metadata. The search is executed when the return key is pressed in the main search field. Filters provide a quick way to narrow the search based on metadata values.

LegalSifter Control Boolean Queries

LegalSifter Control search uses the Boolean AND operator by default. This means that a query for Master Service Agreement is executed as Master AND Service AND Agreement. LegalSifter Control does not use text Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) these operators are presented by symbols:

  • AND = &&

  • OR = ||

  • NOT = !

These operators can be used between query terms or in conjunction with parentheses.

For example:

  • (Master && Service) || (Terms && Service)

will find documents that contain “Master” AND “Service” OR “Terms” AND “Service”.

Term Operators

+ Must be present

- Must not be present

For example:

  • +Master -Term --will find documents that must contain “Master” and not contain “Term”.


Multiple terms in quotes are executed as phrases.

For example:

  • “Master Service” --will find only document where “Master” is followed directly by “Service”.


Wildcard searches can be run on individual terms, using ? to replace a single character, and * to replace zero or more characters:

For example:

  • Ma?ter Ser* --will find documents that match “Master” OR “Matter” OR “Manter” … and “Service” OR “Serving” OR “Serpent” ...


A proximity query allows the specified words to be separated or in a different order.

For example:

  • “Master Service”~5 --will find documents where “Master” is within 5 words of “Service”.


Users can export a CSV file with the information from the contract list. This functionality will be available according to the user's Permissions.

By default, the following fields are included in the file:

  • Counterparty (id and name)

  • Document Name (includes Id)

  • Version Number

  • Document URL

  • Counterparty URL.

Additional metadata fields can be added by the user.

The user can change the order of the custom columns by dragging and dropping.

NOTE: If the number of records is greater than 10,000, a warning message is shown to inform the user that only 10.000 documents will be exported.

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