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Ticket Overview

In this article, you will learn how your tickets are displayed in LegalSifter Control.

Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over 8 months ago

Tickets in Kanban View

With LegalSifter Control, users can view Tickets by clicking on the Tickets tab in the navigation header at the top of the page.

Tickets are displayed in a Kanban-view board by default.

In this view, the user can drag and drop tickets between statuses.

This view provides a breakdown of all in-progress tickets, which are represented as cards. These cards are shown in several different columns based on the status of the ticket. The number of tickets in each column is displayed. The columns are:

  • To Do: The To Do status indicates that no user is yet to work on the ticket. Typically unassigned Tickets are found in this view, but you may also find tickets with this status that are assigned but have not yet received any attention.

  • In Progress: The In Progress status indicates that the ticket is actively being worked on by the assignee.

  • Waiting: The Waiting status indicates that the ticket is on hold awaiting more information, or for the counterparty to return the contract with any additional redlines or comments, or for the contract to be signed.

  • Done: The Done status indicates that the work has been completed.

  • Canceled: The Canceled status indicates that the work is no longer needed or the ticket is no longer considered active.

NOTE: The DONE column displays both Done and Canceled tickets.. The Done column only shows the 10 most recent Done/Canceled tickets. To view older tickets, use the list view.

By default, tickets are displayed in the My Tickets board view. In the My Tickets view, the user will only see his or her tickets, i.e. those tickets that were either created by the user or are currently assigned to the user.

The Following tab shows only the tickets for which user is a follower. This tab applies also to the Tickets List.

Some users will also see the option (clickable tab) to view All Tickets. In the All Tickets view, a user will see all in-progress tickets for the organization, rather than just the user’s tickets. A user must have one of the following LegalSifter Control Roles to see All Tickets: Legal, Legal Management, Sales Management, or Company Admin.

A ticket card on the board view includes some basic information to help users identify the request and its status.

Standard information shown on the card includes:

  • Title

  • Assignee Initials (hover to see the full assignee name)

  • Requested By user name

  • Ticket ID (lower left corner)

  • Priority Icon (a different indicator and color representing the different priority types: Low, Medium, High, and Critical).

The appearance of tickets may vary depending on the ticket type. For example, a contract review ticket displays a document icon before the title and the counterparty name and contract type below the title. The negotiation status of the contract will appear in the lower right corner next to the priority icon.

When a contract’s negotiation status is IN REVIEW, the card will also display a progress indicator circle showing the percentage complete of clauses being reviewed.

In this view, the user can drag and drop tickets between statuses.

Tickets in List View

If you prefer, you can choose to view tickets in a compressed list format by clicking on the Board - List toggle icon buttons in the upper right of the page.

The Tickets List view shows all tickets in a table listing. Unlike the Board view, which is focused on tickets that are in progress and limits the number of Done or Canceled tickets to the most recent 10 tickets, the List view will show all tickets, including all Done or Canceled tickets.

The List table shows 20 tickets per page, and you can use the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the listing or by typing the page number.

A unique feature of the List View is that the user can export a .csv file with current tickets.

These tickets are shown in several different columns:

  • # (ticket id)

  • Title (sortable*)

  • Assignee

  • Status

  • Counterparty

  • Requested By

  • Requested Date (sortable*)

  • Updated Date (sortable*)

  • Due Date (sortable*)

  • Negotiation Status.

(*) the sorting can be Ascending or Descending. By default, the Tickets list is sorted by updated date descending.


Users can search for specific tickets by entering any of the following into the search box:

The number of document or ticket

Any keyword that matches the document name, party/counterparty name, or comment text

The total number of tickets that match with the filter/search criteria is displayed to the right of the search window.

You can also search for a ticket by comments. In order to search the text of your comments, use the text search on the Tickets page.

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