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Document Quick View
Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over a week ago

The user can see a contract without downloading the document.

Each document in the results can be displayed in the document quick view window.

By default, the document quick view shows the document in the original format of the file:

  • PDF view for PDF files.

  • Image view for image files.

  • All other files will be shown as the HTML view. This is an HTML rendering of the document where the search query will be highlighted. Additional search terms can be added to extend the highlighted terms.

  • NOTE: If the user has an active text search, however, the Quick View will show the HTML view of the document so that we can highlight the hits from the search result.

From the quick view, the document can be downloaded.

The Document Quick View is accessible from the following:

  • Search

  • Insights → Examples view

  • Library → Documents tab

  • Counterparty → Filed tab

  • Unmatched

Clicking on a document (any part of the row) will open a modal with the contract quick view.

The user can execute the following actions on this page:

Open the document in a new tab

If the Quick View is shown in a modal, the user can open the document in a new tab by clicking on the mime type icon (to the left of the document title).

Document Title

At the top left of the page, the Document Title is shown. The user can update the document title by clicking on it.

NOTE: Only Legal users and Company Admin users can edit the Document Title.

Paper Type

For Third Party Paper documents, this icon is shown next to the Document Title.

See Previous Versions

If the document has more than one version, a Previous Version link is shown next to the Document title. Clicking on the link will display a pop-up window with a list of previous versions.

  • For FPP versions: Clicking on the link will open a new tab with the previous version of the document on the Review page. The user will be able to navigate through the versions of the document and see the clauses in the initial states of the versions. In the case of several versions, the link will redirect to the latest previous version.

  • For Insights and Search documents: Clicking on the link will open a new tab with the previous version of the document on the Quick View page. The user will be able to navigate through the previous version of the document and see the metadata.

Each version of the document will be shown in its own row, including the current version. The current version is shown in black and the other versions are shown in blue. The following information is displayed:

  • Version number.

  • Document title.

  • Updated date.

  • Action menu.

    • View Initial State. This applies for Review (FPP) documents. This option shows the document that was uploaded (initial state: without changes).

  • Clicking on a row opens the specific version.

    • The document is shown as Read-only for previous versions.

    • The link name is changed to “Other Versions”. Clicking on this link will display a pop-up window with the list of previous versions. The selected version is shown in black and the other versions are shown in blue.

    • The version is opened in a new tab.

Counterparty Name

Below the document title, the Counterparty name is shown.

Clicking on it will open a new tab with the Counterparty Page

Users with permission to edit will be able to change the counterparty by clicking on the edit icon. A modal will be shown and the user can select an existent counterparty or create a new one.

NOTE: Only Legal Management and Company Admin users can update the counterparty. Legal users may only change the counterparty if they are owners of the documents.

Document Type

Below the Counterparty name, the Document type is shown.

The users with permission to edit will be able to change the document type by clicking on the edit icon. A modal will be shown with the list of document types available for the company.

  • The document types (playbooks) appear sorted alphabetically by name (case insensitive)

  • The document types include all Company and Counterparty playbooks: Published and Archived.

  • The document types that are not associated with a playbook are not shown.

When the document type is changed, The data in the Insights field is updated (the document is removed from the previous contract type analysis and it is analyzed using the new contract type) and the metadata that is displayed for the document is refreshed.

NOTE: Only Legal Management and Company Admin users can update the document type. Legal users are available to change the document type if they are owners of the documents.

Related Documents

Users can relate one document to another. When a contract is amended, the user needs to know which contract the amended contract relates to. Users can also relate a final WORD version or another document with the final signed contract.

  • The user can relate documents that are in the same Counterparty.

  • Multiple documents can be related to each other.

  • Any document type can be related to another document type (no restrictions).

  • Clicking over a related document will open a new tab with the selected document.

Clicking on "Related Documents" link (left panel) will open a drawer that shows the related documents. The user can upload, add or remove a related document.


Clicking on SEARCH allows the user to specify the type of the relationship and search for the document using type-ahead.

The titles used to relate one document to another document are: Related, Amends, Amended By, Supersedes, Superseded By, Terminates and Terminated By.

By default, only documents for the Counterparty are shown but the user can choose another counterparty to create the relationship.

Clicking on “Choose another” will show a search for counterparties using type-ahead.

The dropdown will show the recent documents (the biggest value is 20 documents). Selecting the document and then clicking on ADD will create the link (relation) between the documents.


Clicking on UPLOAD will allow the user to drag the document or choose a file. The file will be uploaded as an SRH document and the link (relation) will be created between the documents.

See and update the Contract metadata

The left panel displays the Contract metadata (read-only).

  • The metadata is organized in Properties:

    • System Properties. They are not editable.

    • By Group Name. The groups are shown expanded by default. The groups can be collapsed with the link “Hide” and expanded with the link “Show”.

    • Other Properties. These are the ones that don't belong to a group.

    • The “notes“ field in the "other properties" section allows the user to write any text value (letters, numbers, special characters, links, etc.) to provide additional information for the document. It applies to all the document types.

  • A question mark is shown for the metadata that has a description will be indicated by "?". To view the description tooltip, hove over the "?"

  • Clicking on the "Edit" button will allow the user to update the metadata.

    • A form is displayed with all the editable metadata.

    • For Keyword metadata, a dropdown is shown with all the available options.

    • The Save and Cancel buttons are locked from scrolling.

    • When metadata has been changed it MUST be saved in order to update the document.

  • The user can dismiss the changes by pressing the Cancel button.


  • Only Legal Management and Company Admin users can edit the metadata of the document.

  • Legal users can edit the metadata if they are owners of the documents.

  • Metadata is stored at the version level. When a new document version is created, metadata of the previous version is copied. Each version contains the previous metadata and the changes made during the revision of the current version.

  • Metadata can be updated regardless of the negotiation status.


At the top of the quick page the number of pages is shown (example, “3 of 245” )and the user can navigate between documents matching the current search criteria, using “>” to go to the next page and “<“ to the previous page. This functionality applies to the Search and Library pages only.


This icon is active only for Datadog. At the top right of the page, a Salesforce icon is shown. Clicking on it will open a new tab with the Agreement Record for the agreement in Salesforce.

View Ticket

Clicking on View Ticket (top right of the page) it will open a new tab with the Ticket associated to the document. This icon is shown only if the document is related to a ticket.


Clicking on the Download icon (top right of the page) will download the document. The filename will be the current document title (applies for the original and updated title). The system must not add other values (like dates, counterparty, etc).

NOTE: this featrure is not available for Sales users.

New Version

  • Clicking on the New Version icon (top right of the page) displays a confirmation message “You are about to replace an existing version of this document. The former file will be retained as a previous version. Do you wish to proceed?”.

  • Clicking on the “YES” button will show a modal to allow the user to upload a new version of the document.

  • Selecting the document and clicking on the UPLOAD button will send the new version of the document for processing. The Quick View page is refreshed to show the latest version of the document.

  • The user can upload a new version of a document, that includes SRH (search), INS (Insights), FPP and TPP documents.

NOTE: this feature is not available for Sales users.


Clicking on the History icon (top right of the page) will open a new tab with the whole history of the document (list of events sort by date-time DESC).


Clicking the Access icon (top right of the page) will open a window to allow the user to change the access for the document. See Document Access


The user can search within the document using the Search bar. To search, enter the term in the field, and click "Enter." The search results are highlighted within the document. The number of matches is shown next to the search bar and the user can navigate between them with the forward and backward arrows. Clicking the arrows will display the next/previous hit in the document.

The highlighted fields from the search will remain if the user navigates to the next or previous pages.

If the contract was opened from a full-text search result, the document will have the search terms highlighted.

Hot Keys

There are some hotkeys to allow the user to review documents quickly.

  • Edit: press E

  • Save: press Ctrl + S

  • Cancel: press Escape. If the Quick View is opened in the modal and the user is not in Edit mode, pressing the Escape key will close the modal.

  • Navigate to the next document: press Right Arrow. NOTE: this applies when the Quick View is opened in the modal.

  • Navigate to the previous document: press Left Arrow. NOTE: this applies when the Quick View is opened in the modal.

  • Search: press Ctrl + F on the first screen. The second time applies to the browser.


  1. Hotkeys (navigation and edit) are disabled when the user is in edit mode.

  2. Hotkeys can be used by all users. However, the roles without editing permission are not allowed to use the edit hotkey.

Single Document Insights

This option shows a single document and how it differs from the playbook. This allows for the viewing of all the changes to the contract in context.

Currently, this is an internal tool and the “diff” option is only available if &diff=true is added to the URL as a query string parameter.

When the parameter is sent, then all clauses are diffed against the standard.

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