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My Contracts
Sara Octave avatar
Written by Sara Octave
Updated over a week ago

Sales Users can access all of their sent contracts through the Deals page from the My Contracts list.


The My Contracts list provides status and assignment information about contracts you have created and allows you take limited actions on your contracts.

Statuses allow you to understand which party is currently in control of contract.

Progress allows you to understand how many issues have been raised by your customer and how many have been resolved by the legal team.

The Assignee field allows you to know which legal team member is currently working on the contract, or, if the contract is assigned to you, that you have an action to take.


  • Template Created: The contract has been created for the customer but it has not been sent.

  • With Counterparty: The contract has been sent to the customer and is awaiting feedback.

  • In Review: The contract is with the legal team.

  • Ready for Signature: The contract negotiation is finished and the document can be sent for signature.

  • Awaiting Signature: The contract has been sent for signature and is waiting on the customer or internal signature.

  • Executed: The contract has been signed by both parties and has been filed.

Changing Status

As a sales user, you can only change the status of a contract when you are the assignee. Sales users' status options are also limited to moving the contract between "In Review" or "With Counterparty" statuses, reflecting the sales team's role of managing the communication between your customer and the legal team.


The progress indicator reflects the number of comments or changes that the customer has requested. It also indicates the progress of the legal team in the process of resolving the customer's issues.


The assignee is the user who is currently in control of the contract. Sales users, acting as place-holders for their customer, should always be the assignee when the contract is in "With Counterparty" status. If the contract's status is "In Review," the assignee should be the legal team member who is handling the customer comments. Sales users can only change the assignee when they are currently assigned to the document. Legal users and Sales Managers can change the assignment of any contract.


When a you are the assignee of the document, you are allowed to take the following actions:

  • Import a new version: If the customer has sent and updated contract with new edits or comments you can upload it and reassign the contract to the legal team.

  • Download: If you need a copy of the word document to manually share with another team member or the customer you can download it. This copy will be the current state of the document including edits and comments.

  • Send: Allows you to send a copy of the word document directly to the customer. If the document is Ready for Signature, you can send a signature request to the customer. Using the "send" function will create an email that, when responded to with a contract version, will automatically update the contract in LegalSifter Control.

Searching and Filtering

You can quickly filter based on contract status by clicking "Status" in the Status Preview.


You can restrict the set of contract by using a full text search in the search box.


You can use the the open close arrows ( <> ) on the left side of the page to access search filters like Counterparty, Creation Date and Status.

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